Data Deletion Policy for WordFlow

Provided by Moonslide Inc.

Effective Date: August 8th, 2023


Moonslide Inc., the creator of WordFlow, values the data privacy rights of its users. This Data Deletion Policy outlines the procedures we follow when a user requests the deletion of their data or when a user decides to terminate their account.

1. User Request for Data Deletion:

If you, as a user of WordFlow, wish to have your personal data removed from our systems, you can:

Upon receiving the request, Moonslide Inc. will:

2. Automatic Deletion Upon Account Termination:

If you decide to terminate or deactivate your WordFlow account, Moonslide Inc. will:

3. Data Retention:

Certain data might be retained for legal, security, or business reasons, including:

4. Third-Party Data Deletion:

When using third-party integrations such as Facebook for social logins:

5. Data Backup Systems:

Moonslide Inc. employs backup systems to prevent data loss:

6. Changes to This Policy:

Moonslide Inc. may periodically update this Data Deletion Policy. Significant changes will be communicated to our users via WordFlow or email.

7. Contact:

For any questions, concerns, or clarifications regarding data deletion, please reach out to us at [[email protected]].